Debrid Wiki




Zurg is a high-performance HTTP proxy for Real-Debrid. It provides a WebDAV interface to access your Real-Debrid files, making it easier to integrate with media servers and other applications.

If you find Zurg useful and want to support its development, consider sponsoring the project. Your sponsorship helps maintain and improve Zurg, and may provide access to additional features or early releases.

You can sponsor Zurg through the following platforms:

Sponsoring the project not only supports its development but may also grant you access to the latest version of Zurg, which is currently only available to sponsors.

Becoming a sponsor may provide you with access to the latest version of Zurg (v0.10.0-rc.4-1), which includes additional features and improvements.

What you'll learn

  • How to install Zurg on your server
  • How to configure Zurg
  • How to use Zurg with Rclone



There are two versions of Zurg available:

  1. Latest version (v0.10.0-rc.4-1, Sponsors only)
  2. Stable version (v0.9.3-hotfix.11, Public)

The latest version is only available to sponsors and requires authentication to access.

Latest Version (Sponsors only)

To install the latest version of Zurg (v0.10.0-rc.4-1), follow these steps:

  1. Pull the Docker image:

    docker pull
    # or
    docker pull
  2. If you're getting an "Unauthorized" error when pulling the Docker image, follow these steps:

    a. Create a personal access token on GitHub:

    b. Log out of the GitHub Container Registry:

    docker logout

    c. Log in to the GitHub Container Registry using your GitHub username and the personal access token:

    docker login -u your_github_username -p your_personal_access_token

    d. Try pulling the image again.

The stable version is publicly available and does not require sponsor access.

Stable Version (Public)

To install the stable version of Zurg (v0.9.3-hotfix.11), you have two options:

  1. Download the binary from the Zurg GitHub releases page.

  2. Use Docker to pull and run the image:

    docker pull
    # or
    docker pull

    After pulling the image, you can run it using Docker Compose or a Docker run command, as described in the "Running Zurg with Docker" section below.


For v0.10, Zurg's configuration is primarily done through the config.yml file. Refer to the Zurg GitHub repository for detailed configuration options.

Basic Configuration
zurg: v1
enable_repair: true
rar_action: extract
  - mp3
  - flac
cache_network_test_results: true
on_library_update: |
  for arg in "$@"
      echo "detected update on: $arg"
auto_analyze_new_torrents: true
  • zurg: Configuration version (currently v1)
  • token: Your Real-Debrid API token
  • enable_repair: Enable automatic torrent repair
  • rar_action: Action for RAR files (extract, delete, or none)
  • addl_playable_extensions: Additional file extensions to consider playable
  • cache_network_test_results: Cache network test results
  • on_library_update: Script to run when the library is updated
  • auto_analyze_new_torrents: Analyze new torrents for media info
Directory Definitions and Filters
    group: media
    group_order: 10
      - and:
        - has_episodes: true
        - any_file_inside_regex: /^\[/
        - any_file_inside_not_regex: /s\d\de\d\d/i
    group: media
    group_order: 20
      - has_episodes: true
    group: media
    group_order: 30
    only_show_the_biggest_file: true
      - regex: /.*/
  "4k english shows":
      - and:
        - media_info_with_audio_language: eng
        - media_info_resolution: 4k
        - has_episodes: true
  # ... more directory definitions ...

Each directory can have:

  • group: Categorizes directories
  • group_order: Prioritizes directories within the same group
  • filters: Conditions to determine which torrents belong in this directory
  • only_show_the_biggest_file: Show only the largest file in the torrent
Filter Types
  • regex, contains, contains_strict: Filter by torrent name
  • not_regex, not_contains, not_contains_strict: Exclude torrents
  • size_gte, size_lte: Filter by torrent size
  • any_file_inside_*: Apply filtering to file names within the torrent
  • has_episodes: Detect torrents containing episode sequences
  • is_music: Detect music torrents
  • media_info_*: Filter by media information (resolution, bit rate, duration, languages)
Advanced Filtering

Use nested and and or to create complex filter logic:

  - and:
      - contains: keyword1
      - not_contains: keyword2
  - or:
      - contains_strict: Keyword3
      - any_file_inside_regex: /pattern/i
Sample Configuration

Here's a more detailed sample configuration:

# Zurg configuration version
zurg: v1
# Each token in RD allows some amount of bandwidth daily
# If you need to go over past this limit (e.g. Plex extensive analysis)
# you can buy a new RD account and specify the token here
# download_tokens:
# Do not change this if you are running it inside a docker container
# host: "[::]"
# port: 9999
# You can protect your zurg server with username+password auth
# username: yowmamasita
# password: 1234
# You can proxy all zurg requests like this:
# proxy: "http://[username:password@]host:port"
# proxy: "https://[username:password@]host:port"
# proxy: "socks5://[username:password@]host:port"
enable_repair: true
# Action to take when encountering RAR files (extract, delete, or none)
rar_action: extract
# Add file extensions that you want to be considered playable and extracted from rar's (not moved to the unplayable directory)
- mp3
- flac
# How often should zurg look for broken torrents and repair them?
# repair_every_mins: 60
# How often should zurg remount all your downloads?
# downloads_every_mins: 720
# How often should zurg dump your zurgtorrent files to the dump folder?
# dump_torrents_every_mins: 1440
# RD API timeout setting
# api_timeout_secs: 60
# RD download timeout setting
# download_timeout_secs: 10
# API response failures until considered failed
# retries_until_failed: 2
# Every time zurg runs, it will do tests checking RD download servers reachability
# this setting saves the results in a file so it doesn't run every startup
cache_network_test_results: true
# This is useful for ensuring Plex adds your new content immediately
# Uncomment the next line for triggering a partial scan
# on_library_update: sh "$@"
# on_library_update: '& C:\zurg\plex_udpdate.ps1 $args'
on_library_update: |
  for arg in "$@"
      echo "detected update on: $arg"
# In order to use media_info_* filters, your torrents need to be analyzed first
auto_analyze_new_torrents: true
# List of directory definitions and their filtering rules
  # Configuration for anime shows
    group: media # directories on different groups have duplicates of the same torrent
    group_order: 10 # group order = priority, it defines who eats first on a group
      - and: # you can use nested 'and' & 'or' conditions
        - has_episodes: true # intelligent detection of episode files inside a torrent
        - any_file_inside_regex: /^\[/ # usually anime starts with [ e.g. [SubsPlease]
        - any_file_inside_not_regex: /s\d\de\d\d/i # and usually anime doesn't use SxxExx
    group: media
    group_order: 20
      - has_episodes: true  # intelligent detection of episode files inside a torrent
    group: media  # because anime, shows and movies are in the same group,
    group_order: 30 # and anime and shows has a lower group_order number than movies, all torrents that doesn't fall into the previous 2 will fall into movies
    only_show_the_biggest_file: true # let's not show the other files besides the movie itself
      - regex: /.*/ # you cannot leave a directory without filters because it will not have any torrents in it
  # media info directories
  # when you use media_info filters group_order doesn't matter anymore
  # just make sure they are on unique groups
  # in future versions (0.10rc3+), you can opt to omit group completely
  "4k english shows":
      - and:
        - media_info_with_audio_language: eng
        - media_info_resolution: 4k
        - has_episodes: true
  "4k foreign shows":
      - and:
        - media_info_without_audio_language: eng

Usage: zurg [flags] zurg [command]

Available Commands: clear-downloads Clear all downloads (unrestricted links) in your account clear-torrents Clear all torrents in your account completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell help Help about any command network-test Run a network test version Prints zurg's current version

Flags: -c, --config string config file path (default "./config.yml") -h, --help help for zurg

## Usage with Rclone

To use Zurg with Rclone, add the following configuration to your `rclone.conf` file:

type = webdav
url = http://zurg:9999
username = your_real_debrid_username
password = your_real_debrid_password

Then you can mount your Real-Debrid storage using:

rclone mount zurg: /mnt/zurg

For more detailed instructions on using Zurg with Rclone, see our Rclone guide.

Running Zurg with Docker

To run Zurg with Docker for Plex, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    # or
    git clone
  2. Add your Real-Debrid token in config.yml

  3. Create a mount directory:

    sudo mkdir -p /mnt/zurg
  4. Run Docker Compose:

    docker compose up -d
  5. Verify the installation:

    time ls -1R /mnt/zurg

You're done! If you make edits to your config.yml, just run docker compose restart zurg.

A web server is now running at localhost:9999. When using Zurg on a server outside your home network, ensure that "Use my Remote Traffic automatically when needed" is unchecked on your Real-Debrid Account page.

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